School Leavers Party 2018

During the summer our nursery settings hosted their annual school leavers party as the children graduated from Willow Cottage to their chosen primary Schools.

The children and parents had fun and games with such activities such as Tug-of-war, treasure hunts, oversized bubbles, cupcake decorating (obviously with low sugar toppings such as fresh strawberries and cream!)

Each child being was presented by their teacher with a personalised graduation scroll, a Mr. Willow medal, a personalised Willow Cottage 2018 pencil.

There was lots of healthy homemade party food and fun and games for the parents and children to enjoy.

A special thanks to William and his dad from Bletchingdon for making a wonderful cake together for everyone to share. Also to the parents of the Farmoor school leavers who collectively made a very moving presentation to Ruth and her team. They were presented with a beautifully framed montage of colourful butterflies made by all the children in recognition of helping them develop, spread their wings and fly.

Here are a few photographs from the events.