Bonfire Night at Bletchingdon

During the weeks leading up to the bonfire the Preschool children have been taking part in Forest School Sessions where they have been talking about fire safety and learning how to carry sticks safely.  Kindergarten and Preschool children collected sticks for the bonfire, with the older children proudly sharing their new found knowledge by showing the younger children how to carry the larger sticks safely, dragging them behind them.

We already had a small wood pile in the paddock but we needed to check for hibernating hedgehogs before we could light a fire, the Preschool children were very interested and Sally extended this interest by introducing a new hedgehog house to our field. From this the children have been discussing the local wildlife, hibernation and what it means to be nocturnal.

On the day of the bonfire all Preschool and Kindergarten children enjoyed hotdogs in the garden followed by fruit kebab rockets which they had prepared earlier. They also had the opportunity to toast marshmallows over a flame before we lit the fire and set off our fireworks in the paddock while everyone watched from the field.