Changes of Job Roles in January 2019 at the Eynsham Setting – Marion Brodeur & Lorraine De-Banks
Marion Brodeur – after nearly 14 years of service with Willow Cottage, Marion decided to retire from her position of Nursery Chef at the end of December 2018. Marion started at Willow Cottage in May 2005 initially working at the Farmoor Nursery and then transferring to the Eynsham Setting. More recently, Marion has been working three days a week sharing the cooking duties with Lorraine De-Banks.
We are not saying “Good Bye” though, Marion is now going to support us three days a week helping over the lunchtime period with the children’s lunches, and maybe doing some planned extra cooking activities whenever possible. We would like to thank Marion for all her lovely meals over the years and we wish her well in her new position!
Lorraine De-Banks – We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Lorraine De-Banks who has been cooking on Thursdays and Fridays and supporting the Willow Cottage Chefs whilst on holiday since April 2016. Lorraine, has been promoted to Nursery Chef. Congratulations Lorraine and Good Luck!