Donatella the tortoise

Recently Eynsham had quite an unusual experience when Graca brought in Donatella the tortoise for the children to see. She was babysitting him for a little while.

Many of the children were quite excited although some were a little sceptical. He managed to visit all of the rooms for a good amount of time, some twice. The children all got to have a feel of his shell if they wanted to and describe what it felt like. They were so gentle with him, with a couple of reminders.

They fed him some vegetable treats (courgette and lettuce) and they also talked lots about his safety and the need to wash their hands for good hygiene.

The staff were also excited as he shared the staff room with them for their lunch break! The Grasshoppers and Butterflies had the opportunity to draw pictures of Donatella, some of which were really quite accurate!

What a fantastic experience. Thank you Graca for bringing him in.