
Willow Cottage Nursery Monthly Fees

For information about ‘Free Childcare’ please see Early Education Funding.

Period: From 1st May 2024

Monthly Fees
(All ages)
Monthly Fees with EEF
Over 3 years
Monthly Fees with EEF
2 years
Monthly Fees with EEF
Over 9 months
1 Day per Week UnavailableUnavailableUnavailable
2 Days per Week£840*£505*   (20 Hours)£470* (15 Hours)£330 (15 Hours)
3 Days per Week£1182*£680*   (30 Hours)£810* (15 Hours)£672 (15 Hours)
4 Days per Week£1470*£965*   (30 Hours)£1097* (15 Hours)£950 (15 Hours)
5 Days per Week£1725£1222 (30 Hours)£1354 (15 Hours)£1215 (15 Hours)

There is a 33% discount off the first full calendar month’s fees for children registering for a start date in either November or December**.

The table of all our fee combinations can be downloaded as a .pdf in Fees from 1st May 2024

Please note that fee rates vary according to the combination of days in your child’s booking pattern. Please follow the link above for specific prices on your chosen days.

All new booking patterns must include either a Monday or a Friday. 

Our fees are fully inclusive of all meals and standard nappies.  Full day cover is based upon a maximum nine-hour day. Charges will apply for additional hours and late collections.  We are registered with the Tax-Free Childcare Scheme.  Children eligible for Free Childcare Entitlement can claim up to 10 hours per day for each week day they attend, up to the maximum 30 hour per week, 38 weeks per year. It is subject eligibility, and arrangement with the nursery at the start of each term. A 10% discount is available for full-time siblings.

Please note that our fees are calculated annually and then divided into twelve equal payments. Settling-in hours are chargeable following your initial two complimentary one-hour sessions. Fees are due promptly, in advance, on the first day of each month and are subject to regular review, usually on the 1st May each year.

**Children who agree a start date in either November or December will receive a 33% discount off their first month’s fees. This is subject to completing the normal settling in process in the three weeks before the start date. This discount does not apply to start dates that have been delayed.

The fees published on our web site are for new booking patterns.

Minimum Booking Patterns

Our minimum booking pattern is normally two days per week. This allows us to care for your child in a settled and stable environment, and deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage to the highest standards.

All booking patterns need to include either a Monday or a Friday in order to balance our occupancy throughout the week.  

Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate requests for 1/2 day childcare.

Children already regularly attending the setting are able to request additional days which we try to accommodate but cannot guarantee. 

Other Fees and Charges

With effect from 1st March 2023

Extra Day£88
Extra Hours£9.20/hr
Late Child Collection (Departure after 17.45) £19 + £10 per additional 15mins
Late Fees Payment£37
Combinded Registration Fee and Holding Deposit£270
Registration Fee (Non-refundable)£90
Holding Deposit (Refundable*)£180
Chasing Communication Fee£15
Additional Administration Fee£25
Failed Direct Debit£20
Settling InFirst two 1-hour sessions are free,
additional sessions are charged at the ‘Extra Hours’ rate.
1 to 1 additional needs support (where not covered by additional funding)£13.04/hr (Set in line with OCC RAF rate)

*Holding deposits are refunded on condition that we receive 30 days written notice of leaving after the child has started nursery with us or 90 days written notice of leaving (not starting) if the child has not started nursery.