Dates for your Diary

Dates for your Diary

Bank Holidays and Other Nursery Closure Days

Our settings are closed on Bank Holidays, Christmas Eve and the period between Christmas and New Year

*Please note that this year we will be closed on Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December, and will reopen at the usual time on Friday 2nd January 2026*

In 2025 the nursery will be closed on the following days:

DateDay of the weekBank holiday
18th AprilFridayGood Friday
21st AprilMondayEaster Monday
5th MayMondayEarly May bank holiday
26th MayMondaySpring bank holiday
25th AugustMondaySummer bank holiday
24th DecemberWednesdayChristmas Eve
25th DecemberThursdayChristmas Day
26th DecemberFridayBoxing Day
Please be aware that we are also closed on Christmas Eve and between Christmas and New Year on the following days:
DateDay of the week
29th DecemberMonday
30th DecemberTuesday
31st December Wednesday
In September 2025 there will be an early closure of each of our settings for staff training on the following afternoons.
The nursery will close at 1pm

DateDay of the weekSetting
1st SeptemberMondayEynsham inset afternoon
2nd SeptemberTuesdayBletchingdon inset afternoon
3rd SeptemberWednesdayFarmoor inset afternoon

In 2026 the nursery will be closed on the following days:

DateDay of the weekBank Holiday
1st JanuaryThursdayNew Year’s Day
3rd AprilFridayGood Friday
6th AprilMondayEaster Monday
4th MayMondayEarly May bank holiday
25th MayMondaySpring bank holiday
31st AugustMondaySummer bank holiday
24th DecemberThursdayChristmas Eve
25th DecemberFridayChristmas Day
28th DecemberMondayBoxing Day (substitute day)
Please be aware that we are also closed on Christmas Eve and between Christmas and New Year on the following days:

DateDay of the week
28th DecemberMonday
29th DecemberTuesday
30th DecemberWednesday
31st December Thursday