Amazing commitment and support for Willow Cottage for over 30 years!

Beryl’s last day

Last month saw the extremely nostalgic moment when Beryl Carver said goodbye to her extended family at Willow Cottage.

Beryl joined Valerie, Neil, Beryl Green and Julie De-Banks in the first few years of Willow Cottage Nursery back in the late 80s!

She has given tireless dedication and support to us as a family, has cared for and educated many many of the Willow Cottage children. We would like to sincerely thank her and wish her well as she takes a step back to a slightly more relaxed way of life.

She plans to do more travelling since her family are now living all over the world. So a huge thank you and Bon Voyage from all of your friends and family here at Willow Cottage.