Bletchingdon Forest School

Forest School uses natural resources and the children’s interests to stimulate imaginative, creative and investigative activities.

Research has shown a powerful effect on children’s confidence, self-esteem and independence as well as an increase in social interaction and physical skills.

The child led and child centred activities help children manage risk safely, take care of themselves and others, and also take on responsibility. It has structure but at the same time leaves lots of time for personalised learning opportunities, children have the time and space to explore their own evolving learning interests eg. Studying a bug, searching for badgers or drawing in the mud.

Sally has now completed her Forest School training and is awaiting her certificate, she has been running sessions for the three and four years olds on Tuesday mornings throughout the winter. The children have had a great time taking part in the following activities:

  • Looking at and discussing bird’s nests and having a go at making their own.
  • Pulling buckets up on ropes hooked over tree branches.
  • Sally brought in a hedgehog house for the field leading to discussions around hedgehogs and badgers.
  • Making bug hotels and going on bug hunts.
  • Dough faces on trees, using sticks, acorns and other natural materials.
  • Making Bird feeders.
  • Mud Painting.