Bletchingdon School Leavers 2023

Bletchingdon’s School Leavers Party was held on Saturday 22nd July. For the first time since they opened it was a rather soggy one. However, it was a great success in spite of the rain, and we are extremely used to being outside in all weathers of course.

There were lots of things to do undercover, children had the opportunity to make crowns and friendship bracelets, they could decorate cup cakes and explore the sensory playdough.

A lot of fun was had having their photos taken with their friends and family using the Willow Cottage picture frame.

Many of the families braved the rain and completed a treasure hunt around the field and we had some giant bubble wands to try in Foxes garden.

After the children had been presented with their leavers’ certificates in our fabulous bell tent, it was time for an ice cream before heading home with their parents to dry off!

A huge heartfelt thank you to all involved in making the day such a successful one.