Happy 7th Birthday Bletchingdon!

Every year for 7 years Bletchingdon nursery have celebrated their official opening date.

The 29th March 2016 was the day Willow Bletchingdon opened its doors to welcome their first and (at the time) only, child. With three team members and brand new facilities in a wonderfully characterful and history filled building the ethos of Bletch has changed very little.

We have seen hundreds of families come through the doors in that 7 years and each one has left their imprint.

To celebrate the Cubs have made a big birthday banner for outside their door, party crowns and flags, they also helped prepare their wraps for their inside picnic tea.

We have kept to tradition and have included both of Bletchingd(t)on’s names in our birthday banners. The Bletchingdon website explains the reasoning behind the difference.

The Badgers have made a long string of bunting to decorate the Jubilee room, party hats, flags and biscuits in the shape of a number 7. They also made a party hat and birthday badge for Mr Willow as he was joining them for their picnic tea with Cubs.

The Foxes have been very busy practicing their scissor skills by cutting out and counting birthday candles, making a feely box full of shredded paper and things beginning with B for Bletchingdon. They have also been making number 7 biscuits and they have been celebrating with party dances and parachute games.

We have had a lovely week of celebrating and look forward to our 8th birthday next year.