Love and Friendship
During the week in which Valentine’s Day falls, the children at Bletchingdon often celebrate Love and Friendship Week. This year, Foxes had some special visitors; Dotty and Dash the friendship elves.

The friendship elves sent us a very special letter at the beginning of the week. We then decided to write some letters back which they replied to! We really enjoyed posting the letters each day and discovering the elves letters each morning.

During the week we also made love and friendship cards. We created beautiful bespoke cards just perfect for the people that mean the most to us.
In Cubs, we had a delightful experience making strawberry heart shaped scones. We practiced our fine motor skills using the knives to cut the strawberries and engaging our arm muscles to stir the biscuit dough.

We also engaged in a creative activity where we painted on paper with heart shapes on and stuck various pieces of colourful tissue paper to them.

It was a wonderfully enriching week filled with creativity.