Willow Cottage Nursery, Owl’s Leat, Eynsham, and Willow Cottage Nursery, Oxley’s Farm, Farmoor, have both been judged as OUTSTANDING by Ofsted and heralded as being highly effective early year’s provisions meeting the children’s needs exceptionally well!
Ofsted’s areas of judgement:
- How well the early Years provision meets the needs of the children. OUTSTANDING
- The contribution of the early year’s provision to the well-being of children. OUTSTANDING
- The effectiveness of the leadership and management. OUTSTANDING
CONGRATULATIONS to our hardworking and dedicated staff, Supervisory and Management teams!
THANK YOU to our parents for their continued support and commitment to our partnership together.
Read the full inspection reports:
Ofsted Inspection report for Willow Cottage Nursery, Owl’s Leat, Eynsham, Witney
Ofsted Inspection report for Willow Cottage Nursery, Oxley’s Farm, Farmoor, Oxford