Remember, Remember…

…the fifth of November.

Our Bletchingdon setting has been marking the occasion each year since it opened 8 years ago. Our track record of dry Bonfire Night celebrations thankfully continued again this year.

Foxes and Badgers came together in Foxes garden to enjoy their special firework tea of hot dogs with home made ketchup and fruit kebabs that the children had all made themselves earlier in the day.

After tea we all headed to the field, where we were joined by the Cubs, and we were able to watch Sam light the bonfire. When it was burning well we could feel the heat from the flames all the way to where we were standing.

Whilst we waited for it to get a little darker Sally and Claire helped the children to toast some pineapple over the marshmallow burners, which was so delicious. The children played in the field until Alison announced it was time for the fireworks.

We stood a safe distance away along the fence and watched as Alison let off the first firework. We were taken a little by surprise when it started to crackle as it burned, as we were expecting the firework to be quieter! But, once we got used to it, it was so pretty to watch.

The final firework was a rocket that went up, up, up, and made a pretty star cluster in the sky. On the way back inside we were able to admire the amazing fireworks splatter painting the Badgers had created during the day.

What a lovely Bonfire Night we have had, the children will have so much to talk about when they get home.