The Final Sparkle
To celebrate Bonfire night at our Eynsham setting, Pandas and Grizzlies wrapped up warm and gathered together in the wild garden for a picnic tea. We had sausages in buns with vegetable sticks and afterwards a spiced apple cake and hot chocolate.

We sat on picnic blankets to watch the bonfire in the firepit and during our pudding Taygen set off some fireworks.

Once we had finished our food and seen the fireworks we had the opportunity to hold a sparkler which was stuck into a carrot so we didn’t touch it with our hands. Sun Bears were able to watch the end of the fireworks from their own garden.

We had a wonderful time and the children were all very excited. Some were able to retell of when they went to see fireworks with their own families. Which was a fantastic way of linking experiences together. See you all next year.