Parents Say

Parents say…

Please note that children’s names are removed and replaced by “our child” for reasons of privacy.

It’s the end of an era!  Thank you so much for looking after our child so well, and for keeping him happy and engaged.  It has been a real God-send for us knowing he has been in good hands and in a great environment.

I’m sure we’re not alone in finding it a strange feeling that the most influential thing in our child’s life outside the home will suddenly be behind us and more or less a closed book. I will enjoy re-reading some of the observations and reports, which provided some lovely insights into our child’s development.

When you think of our child, we hope you’ll be satisfied that he genuinely thrived in your care – we were never other than completely confident that you would return a happy boy to us every afternoon!Tobias D 

It was almost exactly 5 years ago that my child started at Willow Cottage – and we have been incredibly grateful for everything that you have done for both of our children in those 5 years. We couldn’t imagine a nicer place for them to spend their days – or a more fantastic group of staff looking after the children; thank you for everything that you continue to do for us and them. Rebecca W 

Just wanted to say, we have been so happy with your setting, the friendly nature of the staff. I hear others complaining about things to do with their nurseries, and I can honestly say I never have a thing to moan about! Our child comes back happy, well fed, muddy/sandy and full of stories – it’s wonderful!  Charlotte W 

I wanted to write to you to thank you for all you have done for our child and the other children at Willow Cottage. We have loved the nursery for its amazing staff and also for its wonderful ethos, which seems to run through all you do. The belief that children should be allowed to do everything themselves has certainly helped our child to develop her resilience, independence and strong will. We have also really appreciated the compassion and care shown to all the children. I have always felt that each adult I’ve met at Willow Cottage knows and appreciates the needs of each child in their care. Our child feels loved by all her teachers, and loves them all. So much of this ethos comes from the leadership; you and the others who help shape the nursery into the supportive place it is. Without you, the amazing nursery staff would have a much harder job being as brilliant as they are! Louisa W-M 

Our child has had the most WONDERFUL start in life with you all at Willow Cottage, and we really can’t thank you enough for the care, support, encouragement, teaching and kindness you have offered him. He will go off to school with confidence and a whole range of valuable life skills now. Thanks again, a million times over, for all you’ve done to care for our child since he was 10 months old. He couldn’t have spent time with better people and he has loved being there. You have been especially magnificent throughout the COVID pandemic and it’s been truly appreciated. Kay T 

Our child has thoroughly enjoyed spending time with all of the team at Willow and his peers, establishing some blossoming friendships. He talks daily of the activities and tasks he has undertaken with excitement. Willow has certainly been a great environment for him to enjoy and shares his passion of the great outdoors, the setting is beautiful, and we have taken pleasure in knowing he was able to learn and play in such a wonderful place. The learning and activities have been varied giving our child lots of new experiences and opportunities to be creative.

We are especially pleased with our child’s progress during his time at Willow Cottage and the efforts made both by our child and the team to make his transition to the setting smooth and with ease. The relocation to the area in July of last year was a large move for our child and leaving his family and familiar faces behind was daunting for him, however he approached each new beginning with positivity, thus helped with the encouragement of Willow.

Each member of staff at Willow has always made us feel welcome with a kind and friendly yet professional approach.

We’ve noticed many developments whilst our child has attended Willow Cottage, sharing core values and helping him mature, of late we are pleased with progress of number recognition and word/letter sounding. The team have shared useful tips and hints to help our child dress himself, put his coat on etc and have always encourage independent behaviours. We’ve really appreciated the assistance.

Our joy in knowing our child was in the correct setting was understanding both Willow Cottage and we share the same values, to be kind, caring, to be independent, to listen, to understand, to be honest, promote teamwork, show empathy, respect and most of all to be happy and confident within your environments. Our child repeats many sayings the team at Willow promote, we smile each time we hear them.

We’ve enjoyed receiving updates via the eyLog, in a period of time which has been difficult through the pandemic, this has created the insight of how our child’s time is spent at Willow. Each observation has been welcomed and we’ve thoroughly taken delight in reading.” Lian G

All staff are amazing they adapt to our child’s needs & have taken onboard methods & styles that have helped her confidence & devlopment. We cannot praise them enough.

Making children feel safe and loved and making their safety and happiness their top priority.” 

Our child loves his time at nursery and always has. I never have to worry about him as I know he’s in good care

My child is well-cared for and happy. Staff show him affection and he is keen to go to the nursery so he clearly enjoys the activities that happen during the day and is keen to spend time there. Staff also communicate well with me and I enjoy the videos/reports/comments that are e-mailed.” 

“Creatively responding to a child’s individual needs on a day-to-day basis.” 

“Building trust with parents Participation with child Providing a safe environment” 

“Providing a wide range of activities and excellently structured activities to promote learning and

“We really feel that everyone at Willow Cottage really knows our child and his personality. There has never been a day when he has not wanted to go to nursery. We have always felt that he has been treated with love and respect.”

“We have been very impressed that at Willow Cottage children are treated as individuals, given individual feedback and understanding, loving care and attention.”

In a reply to a feedback questionnaire, when asked to comment on any areas of nursery care that parents had been particularly pleased:

Everything! We really cannot find fault with any area. Thank you so much our child has loved his time at Willow Cottage you have offered an outstanding service in all areas.

It is hard to put into words how we feel about the level of care you have provided for our child and us as parents. We feel so grateful for the care that you have shown us…. the incredible levels of professionalism, creativity and skill. It has been consistently high over the last 3 and a half years and we couldn’t have asked for more. You make it look easy but we know such high standards require meticulous planning and reflection our child has thrived under your care. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We genuinely feel that our daughter could not have been cared for any better and know that you are constantly striving to improve and reflect so you don’t need any suggestions from us! OUTSTANDING.

Our children love nursery so much and it’s down to your management and high standards as well as the amazing staff. They will never have it this good again. I have been talking with other parents and we are always saying how wonderful we think Willow Cottage is! After logging into the children’s profiles we feel so pleased and inspired in our partnership together. Thank you for all your hard work, care and meticulous planning that must go into every day are brilliantEve Hanlon

The staff are wonderful with my son who has special needs (autism and self care motor skill delay). They have understood his needs, taken on board and implemented all the recommendations from his EYSENIT and speech therapist. During his time at Willow Cottage, my son’s confidence has increased. They do far more 1 to 1 with him than allocated because they genuinely care. The difference they have made to our lives is amazing and its the best decision we’ve made for our son to help him in his development.” Mandy Studley

Excellent award winning food. Loving and cuddles to the children. Staff all seem to know my child really well. Activities are varied and plentiful.” Jules Crook

Willow Cottage has exceeded our expectations. Having worked in primary schools for 20 years I knew what I wanted and luckily didn’t have to look far. The staff are by far the best commodity of this establishment, providing fun, creative, challenging inspiring activities in beautiful grounds. My child’s manners, language, skills and team skills have all been commented on by friends and a lot of this is due to the hard work that has been put in at Willow. I would have driven across town if it meant a place here at Willow Cottage.Kim R

Our child has absolutely thrived since being at Willow Cottage. He has really enjoyed his time there and we are sad that he will be leaving to start school in September. He has made some lovely friends, has fantastic carers, good nutritional food, and great facilities and equipment. We will be sending no. 2 there in due course.Claire Tyrrell-Williams

My child has had a great time at nursery. The individual care and attention she has received has been amazing – not just that of “another” child at nursery. This has helped her development and confidence. Thank you!”

Thank you so much for working so hard to stay open during the snow! We really appreciate all that you did … at our last nursery they really didn’t make any effort and we lost a lot of time.”

“There are not enough words to express our thanks to each and everyone of you who has helped with our children ….. please accept this fruit tree with our thanks…….great things grow at Willow Cottage!”

“THANK YOU so much for making our son’s time at Willow Cottage such an inspirational, educational, and loving place. He had truly developed from his time with you and we are very grateful.”

“We have been with Willow Cottage now for nearly 10 years. All of our children have enjoyed their time with you. I am sure that I will turn up at the school just out of habit! The end of an era… we cant believe it . Thank you so much to you and all your wonderful staff for all that you have done for us… we will all miss you!”

“Last week we were at a Willow Cottage “wedding!!!” .. The bride and three of her bridesmaids had all attended Willow Cottage 20 years ago!! The strengths of the friendships made during those early years have remained have continued.”

”We really enjoy the Nativity and Concert in fact for our family we feel that this event is the start of Christmas each year.”

”We just knew this was the place for our child…… the minute we stepped in ….the atmosphere was so lovely…lots of happy smiling children who were really interested in the things that they were doing and playing beautifully together.”

“We had been so disheartened about childcare until we looked around Willow Cottage……we couldn’t wait for our child to start.”

“I just knew it was the place for our child….the atmosphere was so nice.”

“The nanny we had was always sick……covering holidays was also a real problem to us ….since joining Willow Cottage I have been a reliable member of my company again, my child is very happy and enjoying her pre-school education.”

“In fact they enjoy coming so much that we have to tell them you are closed on the days that he doesn’t come!”

“From the Head Teacher to the gardeners and wonderful cook….we thank you all for such a professional and reliable and happy service”

“Before he started at Willow Cottage he would only eat marmite sandwiches and Milky ways!…….Now he eats a healthy and varied diet and is a pleasure to feed…thank you!”

“Your staff are wonderful they strive tirelessly for the children ……..nothing seems too much trouble for them!”